Veterans Supportive Services With BTB
Our Veterans The Right Way
Through a variety of supportive services we will get our brothers and sisters to feel the love and respect they deserve!

The love for those who served to protect us runs deep. We want give back to those who fought for this country.
Connect with us if you are a Veteran that needs assistance with:
job opportunities or job training
rides to and from VA appointments
administrative support such as filling out applications
creating a resume
looking for business funding
Meet our Veteran Support Manager Bobby Nemeth

Bobby is a US Army Veteran who plays an important role in the BTB team.
His passion for supporting Veterans through a variety of supportive services can truly make a difference in our community for our brothers and sisters in arms.
While in the Army Bobby was deployed to Iraq, Afghanistan and Germany.
His military experience includes 5 years in the Military Police and 4 Years as an M1A2 Abrams Tank Mechanic. He currently is completing Aviation Schooling to be an Airframe & Powerplant Licensed Technician.